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Twitter Ads To Be Via “Promoted Tweets”

By April 14, 2010July 30th, 20233 Comments

Twitter has just announced that their ad platform will launch with the release of a new service called Promoted Tweets.

All this while, Twitter has insisted that they do not want to use their site as a regular advertising platform. They have now come up with a plan that they believe will allow them to make some money while keeping their users’ priorities in mind and also letting Twitter continue to be a free service.

Promoted Tweets will be ordinary tweets that businesses would like to highlight to a wide group of users.

The Promoted Tweets will be placed at the top of certain search results pages on and Twitter promises that each such tweet will be completely relevant to the search being conducted. Moreover, each search results page will feature only one Promoted Tweet, which will be clearly labeled as “Promoted”.

Promoted tweet

Since this is a new service, Twitter will be on the lookout to see how it is received by their audience. If they find that a particular tweet has not found favour with users, or in other words, if it does not receive Retweets or replies and is not marked as a favourite, then it will be removed from the search results page.

Twitter founder, Biz Stone says, “We strongly believe that Promoted Tweets should be useful to you. We’ll attempt to measure whether the tweets resonate with users and stop showing Promoted Tweets that don’t resonate.”

While most users seem to agree that it is high time Twitter started monetising itself without charging users, initial feedback shows that users want Promoted Tweets to be clearly labeled and relevant.