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To date, most search engines and ad networks have banned advertising Marijuana and any other narcotics. Now, for the first time, a search company based in San Francisco will allow the advertising of marijuana online.

Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and most other online advertising platforms have very strict editorial policies that prohibit the advertising of narcotics. AdWords’ editorial policy prohibits the promotion of drugs, drug paraphernalia and aids to pass drug tests. This includes drug accessories, drugs, and herbal drugs.

The medical marijuana industry is a multi-billion dollar industry in itself, and now, the Medical Cannabis Network, (MCN) is launching an online advertising opportunity in the form of a site called

“MCN was created to fill the gaps in the marijuana industry, and what we’ve been seeing over the years is that cannabis-based businesses are continually denied services from online ad networks,” said Jason Draizin, Chairman and CEO of MCN. will be the first search engine to allow users to search the entire database of medical marijuana related products. It will function as an advertising platform for all legal marijuana-based products and companies. It will also introduce a keyword-based advertising platform similar to Google AdWords.

Medical marijuana is legal in California and several other states in the USA. The new search engine will provide an opportunity for dispensaries and marijuana doctors as well as ancillary businesses such as law firms, consumer goods providers and educational institutions that want to target Americans who favour the legalisation of marijuana.